Highlights from Weiss Technik

New refrigeration technology: what changes, what stays the same

Our new CO2 refrigeration technology achieves a test chamber temperature of up to -50°C in our climate chambers and temperature chambers...

EU F-gas regulation 2024

The new European regulation on F-gases is in force since March 11, 2024. Environmental simulation systems are affected by new refrigerant bans,...


Modern vehicles require an increasing number of electronic components. These are highly sensitive and can be quickly and invisibly damaged by electrostatic discharge, or ESD.

Explosion protection for environmental simulation chambers

Explosive mixtures can come about intentionally or unintentionally during testing. Combustible, flammable and explosive substances (e.g. liquid, gas) can be emitted into the chamber from test specimens.

R469A & WT77: Future-proof substitutes for R23

The EU F-Gas Regulation makes innovation for environmental simulation more in demand than ever. We recognized the signs of the times at an early stage...

Battery Abuse Testing

From high temperatures to explosion.

Hydrogen Applications

Hydrogen produced in a climate-neutral way is a central key to the energy turnaround. It can substitute fossil fuels and help to sustainably reduce CO2 emissions.

Battery technology

Whether consumer electronics, robots or e-cars: the technology of the future is electric. Powerful and durable batteries often serve as the drive.

LV 124

Electrical and electronic components in motor vehicles up to 3.5t


Smart. Proven. Compatible. Strong performance, well engineered.

DAkkS calibrations

Metrological traceability of climatic chambers, testing and measuring equipment