Whether tailor-made or all-inclusive – we offer expertise for all needs.

When you purchase a weisstechnik® system, you are acquiring a high-quality, robust product that offers the highest possible level of reliability. To ensure the system remains that way for years and decades to come, regular maintenance and care are essential. In this way, you can prevent downtimes, ensure safe and cost-effective operation and also extend the service life of your testing equipment.
With us, you will be on the safe side! As a company with DIN ISO 9001 certification, we can provide the necessary certification documents for specialist companies. As a specialist company in accordance with the German Water Resources Act, we carry out service work on cooling and air-conditioning systems and pipe systems and can also dispose of components and equipment in the proper manner. All work is carefully documented and stored in our database; the history of a given system can thus be accessed at any time.
The high level of training and qualifications of our staff is the foundation for our excellent service. They are specialists in the areas of electrical/electronic engineering, cooling and ventilation technology, control technology, mechanical engineering as well as software and are trained and qualified in accordance with current guidelines for occupational health and safety, electrical safety and environmental protection. They participate in regular training and, as a result, an expert with the relevant knowledge and qualifications is always available.
- As an electrician
- As a qualified person in accordance with category 1 as per the ChemKlimaschutzV ordinance (Chemicals climate protection ordinance)
- In accordance with DGUV regulation 1 (General regulations)
- In accordance with DGUV regulation 3 (Testing of electrical systems and equipment)
- In accordance with TRG 402 (Operation of filling equipment)
- In accordance with DGUV rule 100-500, sect. 2.35
- In accordance with TRG 280 (Operation of pressurised gas containers)
- In accordance with the LärmVibrationsArbSchV ordinance (Noise protection ordinance)
- In accordance with DGUV rule 100-500, sect. 2.26 (Welding, cutting and related procedures)
- In accordance with DGUV rule 100-500, sect. 2.28 (Dryers for coating materials)
- In accordance with DGUV regulation 70 (Vehicles)
- In accordance with the GGVSEB ordinance (Ordinance governing the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail)
- In accordance with the German Water Resources Act § 62 (WHG)
- In accordance with EN 378 (parts 1-4)
- In the waste consignment document procedure
- In accordance with the ordinance on persons responsible for dangerous goods (Gefahrgutbeauftragtenverordnung)
- In accordance with the ATEX guideline
- In accordance with the German Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act (KrW-/AbfG)
- For hard soldering, welding under difficult conditions
- Hygiene training in air-conditioning in accordance with VDI 6022 category A
- Fire protection for buildings (DIN 4102 and LAR)
- Cleanroom service technician with a specialist qualification in “Microbiologcal cytostatics workbenches” as per the IHK certificate testing regulation
- Expert for pharmaceutical technology and GMP