Aerospace solutions from Weiss Technik

Here you will find suitable products for your application!

Test it. Heat it. Cool it.

Taking off successfully and landing safely are the most important obligations for the aerospace industry. You can use weisstechnik® environmental simulation systems to simulate all the important parameters in advance. The dimensional accuracy of individual components must be just right to ensure that they fit into the system perfectly. This must also hold true for composite materials with differing thermal expansion coefficients. With our heating technology systems, you can achieve homogeneous shaping results across an entire surface. Our containment and cleanroom systems keep undesired dust particles away, regardless of whether they arise while sanding lacquer, from production processes or when measuring electronics components. Get ready to take off!

Laboratory Test Chambers, Type LabEvent

Pumping module for satellite lens

Altitude Simulation Cabinet, Type SkyEvent

Ultra Low Temperature Chambers For The Aerospace Industry

Calorimetric chamber for materials testing

Climatic Test Chambers With Eco-Friendly Refrigerants, Type ClimeEvent

Thermal Vacuum Chambers for Space Simulation

Temperature Test Chambers, Type TempEvent

Conditioning systems as an add-on for electric test rigs

RACS (Remote Air Conditioning System)

Precision climate test cabinets for particularly stable and homogeneous test conditions

Climatic Walk-in Chambers & Rooms, Type ClimeEvent

LabEvent Benchtop Temperature Test Chambers For Laboratory & Product Testing

LabEvent Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Test Cabinets for Electronics

Assembly Test Chambers, Type LabEvent

Equipment for the calibration of pollutant sensors

On-Board Inert Gas Generation System (OBIGGS) Climatic Test Chamber For the Aerospace Industry

ShockEvent Temperature Shock Test Chamber for Electronics

ShakeEvent Environmental Test Chamber for Vibration Testing

Vacuum Test Chambers VTH and VCH/WT-D and WK-D For The Aerospace Industry

SunEvent Solar Simulation Test Chamber

UV Test Chamber for Accelerated Weathering Tests

Corrosion & Salt Spray Test Chamber. SaltEvent, Type SC

SaltEvent Salt Spray Test Chamber For Alternating Corrosion Testing

Climate Change Corrosion Test Chamber - SC 1000/15-60 IU

AirEvent Air Pollutant & Corrosive Gas Test Chamber for Product Testing

Ozone Resistance Test Chambers, Type OZ

Large Vehicle Drive In Climatic Tunnels

Fuel conditioning

Fluid conditioning systems

Pyrotechnic test platform

Tensile Test–Climate Chamber, TensileEvent

TensileEvent Test-Temperature Chamber For Material Strength Testing

WIBObarrier® Clean Air Curtain For The Pharmaceutical Industry

WIBOjekt® Biological Safety Cabinets

Vindur® Compact Single Module Air-Conditioning Units For Climatic & Cleanroom Environments

Vindur® Compact Universal Application Hospital Air-Conditioning Units

vötschoven VVT vacuum dryer

Industrial Ovens, Heating and Drying Ovens, HeatEvent

Dryers and industrial ovens for flammable solvents EN 1539, HeatEvent F

VHM Hephaistos Industrial Microwave Chamber For Aerospace Engineering

VTUT - Chest Ovens for Heating Up and Hot Storage

VIR - Infrared Technology

Infrared System, IR

Heraeus Infrared Emitters For Industrial Processes

Infrared modules

Industrial Air Dehumidifiers

S!MPATI® Software

Vindur® CoolW@ll Cool Wall System For Data Centres