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Weiss Technik acquires share in KFE

Acquisition to strengthen research and development

  • Acquisition to strengthen research and development
    [Translate to Chinesisch:] Weiss Technik hat einen Anteil von 24 Prozent an der Lippstädter Kompetenzzentrum Fahrzeug Elektronik GmbH (KFE) erworben.

Weiss Technik has acquired a 24-percent share in Kompetenzzentrum Fahrzeug Elektronik GmbH. Weiss Technik expects to gain expertise from its participation in the competence center regarding use of its environmental simulation systems.

Kompetenzzentrum Fahrzeug Elektronik GmbH (KFE) is a testing and research facility that focuses on e-mobility. Its work is in technological development within the automotive industry, particularly in the area of vehicle electronics systems. KFE’s aims include industrial research and technology transfer between academic institutions and industry. KFE has thirteen employees and generated a turnover of 1.5 million euros in 2016.
“Being involved with KFE allows Weiss Technik to gain expertise,” explains Peter R. Manolopoulos, member of the management board of the Schunk Group and responsible for the Weiss Technik division. Thanks to the cooperation with KFE, test trends for electric mobility were recognized early on and knowledge gained about our own products was used to improve products during real-world operation.

Labs equipped with Weiss Technik systems

As an accredited competence center, KFE offers analyses in six different areas at its site in Lippstadt, and uses Weiss Technik systems in particular to do so, such as several environmental simulation systems, a vibration test laboratory, and a chassis dynamometer, which is used to test hybrid and electric vehicles.
“The available expertise in electromobility and direct access to a user of our machines help us to further expand our innovative leadership,” says Manolopoulos of the reasons for the share acquisition.


Dr. Neill Busse


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35452 Heuchelheim
