Information about Coronavirus

Schunk continues to stand for collaboration

  • Schunk continues to stand for collaboration

The global spread of the coronavirus is a challenge for all of us. Also for Schunk. For us, the highest priority is to protect the health of our employees as well as the employees of our partner companies, while at the same time safeguarding ongoing operations and production. Schunk has already implemented a large number of measures to this end:

  • Comprehensive hygiene regulations for all employees
  • Contact between employees at our sites is minimized as far as possible
  • Suspension of face-to-face meetings and business trips
  • Mobile working where possible
  • Access restrictions for people from risk areas
  • Special protection of critical business areas and departments

In order to slow down the further spread of the virus, we are currently avoiding personal meetings as far as possible in your interest. Despite these restrictions, however, we continue to be there for our customers and suppliers. As a rule, you can reach your usual contact persons as usual by telephone, e-mail or video conference.

Collaboration is one of Schunk's core values. This applies all the more in view of the Corona crisis. We will do everything to continue to be a reliable partner for you.

Together we will master this difficult situation. Stay healthy!
