Röntgen Prize awarded to Medical Scientist

Pfeiffer Vacuum and Schunk Group encourage young scientific talent

  • Pfeiffer Vacuum and Schunk Group encourage young scientific talent
    [Translate to Japanisch:] Dr. Reinhold Wolf, Prof. em. Dr. Alfred Müller (JLU), Dr. Arno Roth, Preisträgerin PD Dr. Daniela Münzel, Prof. Dr. Verena Dolle (JLU), Prof. Dr. Sangam Chatterjee (JLU) und Prof. Dr. Markus Thoma (JLU).

This year, the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen (JLU) awarded its Röntgen Prize to PD Dr. med. Daniela Münzel. The prize winner is a senior physician at the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital rechts der Isar, part of the Technical University of Munich.

She is receiving the award for her dedication to basic research to improve clinical imaging with X-rays. Particularly outstanding is PD Dr. med. Münzel’s theoretical and practical knowledge of all areas of radiology. The scientific dedication of the Röntgen Award winner addresses a wide range of issues: work on computer tomography-based angiography and the development of computer tomography to improve the imaging quality and reduce the radiation dose.

The Röntgen Prize is awarded for outstanding theses in foundational research into the physics and biology of radiation. It is named after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who was a professor at Gießen from 1879 to 1888. The prize is usually awarded to papers written by junior scientists. Half of the 15,000 Euro prize is funded by Pfeiffer Vacuum and the Dr. Erich Pfeiffer Foundation as well as the Ludwig-Schunk-Stiftung e. V.

