Smart. Proven. Compatible.

Strong performance, well engineered.

Your new menu navigation.

You reach all important functions quickly and easily via the clearly structured S!MPATI® menu with intuitive operation. In addition, a floor plan of your laboratory can be uploaded and the layout of all testing systems visualised for optimal handling. This means, you can control and program all test cabinets conveniently from one computer as well as evaluating their data. This effectively increases the efficiency of your systems and also provides protection against downtime.

  • Simple operation
  • Visualisation via a building floor plan
  • Central control, programing and evaluation of the chambers

Your multifunctional evaluation.

S!MPATI® offers you almost unlimited possibilities for presentation, editing and evaluation of test results. Hereby, you benefit from an extremely simplified intuitive user navigation, especially for zooming and measuring of graphs or the optimised functions for CSV and image export. The performance ability of the software developed in-house by weisstechnik in cooperation with customers has been proved in complex tests with up to 10 million data points. Compatibility with the S!MPATI® time labs module enables you to integrate camera images quickly and easily within the evaluation.

  • High software performance
  • User-individually adjustable data display
  • Comprehensive zoom, measuring and evaluation functions
  • Visual evaluation of camera images with S!MPATI® time labs

Your automatic warning and message system.

Whenever errors, warnings and important messages occur in your simulation equipment, these are listed clearly in S!MPATI®. The corresponding reports can be searched and sorted plus exported as PDF for purposes of later test documentation. Automatically sent e-mails or, depending on the mail services, SMS warnings provide further protection for your test sequences and prevent downtimes.

  • Clear list of system reports and chamber states
  • Automatically generated e-mail warnings
  • Comprehensive and customisable warnings and mailing lists

S!MPATI® – The new multifunctional evaluation

Benefit from the new improved graphic evaluation. Simplified menu navigation, optimized zooming, integrated measurement functions and extensive export options are just a few of your advantages.




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Here you will find all information and downloads about our software.


S!MPATI® Smart. Proven. Compatible.

Product brochure


S!MPATI® Time Labs

Product brochure



Intelligent OPC UA solutions for smart processes.

14 Files online

S!MPATI® 4.80.2 Patch 1- full version, test version and demo version

Test the full version for 6 months with up to 99 systems for free!


S!MPATI® 4.80.2 - Installation Manual

Installation Manual for S!MPATI® 4.80.2


S!MPATI® - Technical appendices to the installation and operating manual

Technical appendices to the installation and operating manual for S!MPATI®.


S!MPATI® 4.70.3 – full version and update

S!MPATI® enables the simple monitoring of test systems as well as the evaluation and...


Simpati 4.70.3 simc3k for Simpac 1.0

In Simpati version 4.70.3 the bug “No communication with running devices on Simpati restart” was detected in connection with Simpac 1.0 devices.


S!MPATI® 4.70 - Installation Manual

Installation Manual for S!MPATI® 4.70.


S!MPATI® 2016 Patch 5 (incl. 1-4)

S!MPATI® 2016 Patch 5 incl. Patches 1 to 4.


S!MPATI® 4.70.1 - Demo Version

The demo version gives you a first look into our S!MPATI® software environment.


S!MPATI® TimeLabs for S!MPATI® 4.80 or higher

S!MPATI® TimeLabs for S!MPATI® 4.80 or higher


S!MPATI® TimeLabs for S!MPATI® 4.80 or higher - Installation Manual

Installation Manual for S!MPATI® 4.80 or higher


S!MPATI® Service for S!MPATI® 4.70 or higher

By installing the "Simpati Service" service module, all S!MPATI® system processes in Windows are executed as a background service and automatically...


S!MPATI® Service 4.70 - Installation Manual

Installation Manual for S!MPATI® Service 4.70.


S!MPATI® TimeLabs for 2016 and 4.70

S!MPATI® time labs enables the simultaneous recording of measurement data and images from cameras and the displaying with the evaluation software included in S!MPATI®.


S!MPATI® TimeLabs 4.70 - Installation Manual

Installation Manual for S!MPATI® TimeLabs 4.70.

Number of files: 14 Files