Annual Dinner Party at Schunk China

Suzhou site revives tradition before Chinese New Year.

At the Annual Dinner Party of SCT-CN, the employees have been awarded for their special achievements for Schunk, such as here with an award for ten years of service.
The management toast is an integral part of the Annual Dinner Party, which took place again after a four year pause.

A tradition revived: After a four year pause due to the corona pandemic, Schunk Carbon Technology China (SCT-CN) just held its well esteemed Annual Dinner Party Event. Just before the holiday break due to Chinese New Year, more than 300 employees came together to a joyful townhall meeting.

After Karin Merte, Head of Global HR, and Jenny Fang, General Manager, gave an overview of the status of the Schunk Group and the business year of SCT-CN respectively, the employees were rewarded for 5, 10, 15 or 20 years of service for Schunk. Additionally, awards have been granted for special achievements for the company, such as the Excellent Employees & Team Award, the Special Team Award – After-sales Team, and the Special Contribution Award Employees & Team.

After this, the spring festival garden party started with games such as a lucky draw with all kinds of prizes, continued with performances such as a Suzhou local traditional opera program and performances created and performed by employees including singing, dancing and Yu Opera, and last but not least a magnificent and tasteful dinner.

Annual Dinner Party at Schunk China