Weiss Technik celebrates its long-standing employees

Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century

Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century
Was employed at Weiss Technik for half a century: Petra Bernert with HR Manager Michael Mild, Works Council Chairman Gerd Algeyer and Managing Directors Peter Kuisle, Peter R. Manolopoulos and Dirk van Manen (from left).
Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century
The 40th long-standing employees of 2020: Michael Böcher (4th from left), Heike Münnich (5th from left) and Edwin Möbus (6th from left).
Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century
The 40th long-standing employees of 2021: Simone Schepp (3rd from left), Sylvia Langohr, Edgar Schneidmüller, Michael Müller, Roland Werther, Boris Bizjak and Stefan Wallenstein.
Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century
The long-standing employees of 2022: Silke Straßburg (2nd from left), Petra Karl (4th from left), Heike Schmidt, Michael Dwenger, Gerd Albohn and Harald Bott.
Inge Bernert was with Weiss for half a century
The long-standing employees at the Balingen site: (front row from left to right) Elmar Däuber, Mesut Haktaniyan, Thomas Maier, Stefanie Holderied, Barbara Löchel, Birgit Wörz, Holger Kolbus, Stefan Bitzer (Deputy Works Council Chairman), (back row from left to right) Rainer Willmer (Works Council Chairman), Thomas Jarck, Peter R. Manolopoulos and Peter Kuisle.

Weiss Technik recently honored the long-standing employees from three years. After the celebration could not take place in 2020 and 2021, it was now celebrated in a nice setting and with good food in the canteen at the Heuchelheim site.

Peter R. Manolopoulos, Managing Director of Weiss Technik and Member of the Executive Board of the Schunk Group, gave an overview of the current situation at Weiss Technik and, together with the long-standing employees and colleagues, took a humorous look back at the company's past.

Inge Bernert had a very special anniversary to celebrate: In September 1970, she had started her apprenticeship at Weiss Technik, which was not yet part of the Schunk Group at that time. She worked there for a long time in the post-calculation/operations accounting department before moving to the warehouse/small parts shipping department in 2013, where she took her well-deserved retirement on January 1, 2021. Half a century of service to the company - that is something extraordinary and was therefore also recognized at the celebration in a special way and with much applause.

With fewer long-standing employees, but no less cordiality and gratitude, the celebration took place in Balingen: Here, too, colleagues with 25 and 40 years of service were honored. Here, Purchasing Agent Birgit Wörz was the longest-serving employee with 40 years of service. Thomas Jarck had two reasons to be happy: As site manager in Balingen, he was happy with "his" long-standing employees and at the same time celebrated his own 25-year service anniversary.